I design and craft on demand and custom-made furniture for private clients and businesses.
I use solid wood and species that grow locally, and that I source locally.
A variety of artisans that are based in the region occasionally help me in my projects.
From there on, I design and craft based on each client's wishes, needs, and constraints.
What I see, feel and understand in someone’s interior is my drawing’s starting point.
I create high quality lasting pieces of furniture that are designed for a specific place in one’s interior. Such pieces should perfectly fit in. They completely blend in the décor as if they’d always been there.
I seek the harmony that I feel when I am in nature.
Slow transitions in terms of cycles, seasons, sizes, colors and shapes. It soothes the eye, the heart and creates well-being.
It is my greatest source of inspiration and what I aim to recreate through my work.